Week beginning 24.9.18

Date: 24th Sep 2018 @ 6:06pm

We have another busy week planned in class. In maths we are looking at the concepts of ‘less’ and ‘more’ and ‘doubling’. We will also continue to look at known facts to 5 and 10 and learn some rhymes to help us remember them. It has been wonderful to discover that many of our new reception children are confident with their numbers and have been very keen to show off their maths skills.

We will be looking closer at our health this week. We will do a little investigation in class to find the best way to clean our hands and on Thursday children will visit the doctors surgery.

This week I will also send a letter home regarding our planned trip to watch the ‘Snail and the Whale’ at the Forum theatre in Barrow (just awaiting confirmation of a contribution towards the cost of this :) ) 

Mrs Walker :) 

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Cartmel Primary School

Aynsome Road,
LA11 6PR

Main Contact: Mrs Rachel Battersby Headteacher

Tel: 015395 36262

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