Class 1 - The Busy Bees 2024 - 2025

Miss Taylor-Crozier

Miss Taylor-Crozier

Hello, I am the class 1 teacher! I love teaching PE and geography and I am passionate about outdoor learning and the world we live in. I am the subject lead for Early Years, PE and Reading. I am also the designated Educational Visits Co-Ordinator and Deputy Safeguarding Lead.

Welcome to our class page! Our class consists of reception, year 1 and year 2 children. The children in the Busy Bee class are taught in different ways throughout the day. We have a variety of approaches including focus group activities, whole class activities and self-initiated activities. Our 'play to learn' time allows children to explore and interact as they desire. At the beginning of each term we set off with a topic or theme in mind which we think will interest and motivate our eager learners. However, we are flexible in our approach and shape our planning to match the evolving interests of the children within our class.  


Autumn 1


The following curriculum areas will be covered;

English: our core text this half term is 'I Want My Hat Back' by Jon Klassen. We will be using a variety of drama, role play and writing activities to explore the book in detail as we create though bubbles, news reports, leaflets, posters and create character descriptions.

Maths: in reception children will be comparing numbers and looking at pattern and matching. In year one children will be looking at place value and comparing numbers. In year two we will be developing our understanding of place value, number bonds and addition and subtraction. The whole school uses White Rose Maths to teach mathematics to ensure progression and coverage for all year groups.

Science: we will be learning all about animals including humans. We will focus upon ourselves as we look at the human body and our senses.

Design and Technology and Art: we will become immersed in all things L.S.Lowry, recreating some of his famous pieces and using him as inspiration for our own art.

Geography and History: our topic this half term is our school and local area. We will explore the village of Cartmel, look in more detail at maps and compass directions, learn more about the beautiful Lake District National Park that we have on our doorstep and contrast this with Kenya.

PSHE: we will be learning using our new 'SCARF' scheme from Coram Life Education. This half term we are chatting about and understanding the importance of listening, being a good friend and why we have rules.

ICT: looking at multimedia and word processing on Purple Mash. We will also be accessing Time Table Rockstars and Numbots using the Chromebooks and new iPads.

Music: Sing Up with Mrs Battersby, we will be practising for our Harvest production and 

PE: we will be working with Mr Blair on a Wednesday afternoon and Miss Taylor-Crozier on a Monday afternoon focusing on the fundamental movement skills of running, jumping and throwing. Please ensure your child comes to school in their plain smart navy/black/white PE kit on these days.

RE: we will be learning all about creation.


Phonics and Spellings Children in Reception and Year 1 have a daily phonics session each morning. Year 2 children have a mixture of phonics or spelling support. They practise sounds already taught and learn new phonemes and graphemes through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Year 1 and 2 children have spellings that they practise each morning when entering school and Y2 are tested on a Friday.



Our reading books are organised to match the Little Wandle phonics scheme of learning. Children are also heard reading three times a week as part of a guided reading session in a small group. Each Busy Bee will have one phonetically matched reading book, a guided reading book and a book for pleasure (that they have chosen from the library themselves), that goes home each week. They also share their books with a book buddy in class two and three. Please can children try and read daily at home as this helps to improve blending, comprehension, grammar, spelling and most importantly helps to develop a life-long love of reading for pleasure! 



As homework we would like your child to read daily and to practise their spellings (year one and two). We may set suggested activities intermittently throughout the school year and/or activities via SeeSaw if you wish to have a go at these. Children in class one will have no physical weekly homework to complete.


If you have any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact us. You can do this via email 


The Busy Bee Team  (:

Miss Taylor-Crozier, Mrs Bowden and Mrs Flaherty


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Cartmel Primary School

Aynsome Road,
LA11 6PR

Main Contact: Mrs Rachel Battersby Headteacher

Tel: 015395 36262

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'Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow'