Class 2 - The Dazzling Dragonflies 2023 - 2024

Mrs Beston

Hello! I teach class 2 on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Before teaching at Cartmel I taught at Langdale School in the heart of the Lake District. I enjoy getting creative and sharing my skills with the children.

Mrs Walker

Mrs Walker

Hello! I am one of the class 2 teachers. I have taught at Cartmel since 2008, prior to this I taught for a year in Camden, London. Alongside my teaching I am studying part-time towards a Masters in Psychology.

Welcome to the Dragonflies class page!

Class 2 is made up of a bunch of fantastic year 3 and 4 children who are eager to learn and bring lots of enthusiasm each day.

The class is lead by Mrs Beston each Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Walker each Thursday and Friday. Supporting our teachers in their roles are the wonderful teaching assistants: Mrs Wade, Miss Hargan, Mrs Bennet, Miss Lee and Mrs Flaherty. These ladies help to support children with particular needs and lead group activities.

2023-2024 is set to be an exciting school year! Our older children have a residential booked in the Autumn term and all children will experience a trip to the theatre as developing an appreciation of the arts is a priority for us.

We have got some exciting topics planned for the year ahead from learning about the Maya, to the Rainforests, to clothing in British history. Please see our topic map for more detailed information of the learning we have planned to cover this year. Please note that these plans are adaptable – we like to follow the interests of our pupils as this is when the most quality and memorable learning happens.

We use the SeeSaw app to share achievements with parents at home. This is updated very frequently and allows you to see a journal of your child’s achievements.

Our KS2 pupils will be set a piece of homework each week. This will be initially set each Monday and should be returned to school the following Monday. This may be a set on a piece of paper or may be set on one of our online learning platforms. Clear instructions will be messaged home each week. Alongside this, children are set spellings each week and are expected to read at least 5 times with parents each week.

Within school children are heard reading twice a week - either 1:1 with their own book or as part of a guided reading session. Children also access IDL and TT Rockstars to support their development of core literacy and maths skills. 

If you have any questions for the dragonfly/class 2 team please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office team:



Files to Download

Class 2 - The Dazzling Dragonflies: Blog items

Smartphone Debate, by Mrs Walker

Hockey Festival 🏑, by Miss Taylor-Crozier

Class 2 - The Dazzling Dragonflies: Calendar items

Football Festival, by Miss Taylor-Crozier

Cross Country, by Miss Taylor-Crozier

Key Steps Gymnastics, by Miss Taylor-Crozier

Contact the School

Cartmel Primary School

Aynsome Road,
LA11 6PR

Main Contact: Mrs Rachel Battersby Headteacher

Tel: 015395 36262

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'Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow'