Home Learning

Please use this page to guide you to resources to enable you to support your child with Home Learning.

On the page you will find resources for a whole school project about the Last Wolf in England (you will not need a printer to access these resources). In the coming days class teachers will add links to resources and ideas for individual year groups.

We appreciate that many of activities require printing out but please be assured there is no obligation to do so. Activities could be copied out into an old exercise book, notebook or similar. 

Your child will also receive a login to the pupil area of this website. Here they will be able to communicate with their friends in a safe environment and share learning with their teachers who will be able support or extend pupils learning. 

The learning platform Twinkl, have kindly offered free 1-month access to all teachers and parents. Here you will find thousands of resources which you can print off and use to support your childs learning. To access this copy this address into your search bar: www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter your email and the code UKTWINKLHELPS

PhonicsPlay are offering free subscription. Username: march20, Password: home. This site has many interactive games to support children to devlop their phonics and spelling skills. 

Oxford Owl has a whole range of free eBooks to read along with lots of new resources that cover many areas of the curriculum. These have been created specifically for the virus outbreak and helping parents support teaching and learning at home. Sign up to access. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/

PE with Joe. Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) is doing a PE lesson every weekday morning at 9am live on YouTube - The Body Coach TV. A great addition to outside play and more traditional sports!

Online learning suggestions from the DfE:  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-online-education-resources/coronavirus-covid-19-list-of-online-education-resources-for-home-education

BBC Bitesize new home learning activities.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize

Online Monday Assembly 11am  - every Monday morning Fischy Music are streaming an online worship to follow at home.  It would be lovely if lots of us could join and feel like we are sharing in this together.  https://www.youtube.com/user/Fischymusic 

HeartSmart - (Subscribe to get a weekly reminder)  We use this resource in school weekly for PSHE and the children are familiar with Boris!
Dave and Boris are producing films from Boris’ very tidy shed with helpful activities and ideas to help us all in these challenging times. This week they talk about how we can manage in our houses when we are all living and working so closely together.

Music - some great resources from these established providers:

Sing up at home

BBC Ten Pieces at home

Chethams at home

New book resource to support children during lockdown:  https://literacytrust.org.uk/family-zone/9-12/book-hopes/


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Contact the School

Cartmel Primary School

Aynsome Road,
LA11 6PR

Main Contact: Mrs Rachel Battersby Headteacher

Tel: 015395 36262

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