
Aims of our Maths Curriculum

We aim to:

  • Develop mathematical understanding through a structured, practical and fun curriculum which fosters and celebrates each child’s contribution and achievements.
  • Enable our children to be fluent in the fundamentals of maths, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems, so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Build on the earliest perceptual and cognitive learning through to problem solving and reasoning in real life situations.
  • Enable our pupils to use their learning to become as independent as possible in their adult lives.

Teaching and Learning

We use the ‘White Rose Maths’ scheme to deliver our maths curriculum. ‘White Rose Maths’ uses a mastery approach which promotes a deeper understanding of maths concepts rather than being able to memorise procedures or use rote learning.

We have a calculations policy which ensures a consistent approach when teaching the four operations over the different year groups.

The lesson format we follow includes a mental/oral starter (usually drawing on previous learning), a main teaching activity and a plenary session (to review and consolidate learning from the lesson). We provide opportunities for:

Group work

Paired work

Individual work

Whole class teaching


Within maths lessons, through careful planning and preparation, pupils engage in:

 The development of mental strategies

 Written methods

 Practical activities and mathematical games.

 Investigational work

 Problem solving

 Mathematical discussion

 Consolidation of basic skills and number facts

 Working with computers as a mathematical tool.

Children will work on a shared learning objective but will access the learning at their own level. When they have achieved a skill, they will then apply it in different ways to deepen their understanding. Children who show a greater level of understanding of the skills being taught will be given more challenging tasks, often using their reasoning skills (opportunities to apply their knowledge in real-life contexts). 

Children with additional learning needs are included in whole class maths lessons. When necessary, activities will be adapted or more structured support will be provided to enable children to access the learning for the lesson.

There is a range of resources to support the teaching of mathematics across the school. Accessing new mathematical concepts using practical apparatus is actively encouraged prior to moving on to more formal written methods. Within the classroom, resources are readily accessible to children who are encouraged to select materials that are suitable to their task.

Beyond maths lessons, maths is used in other curriculum areas wherever possible or appropriate. This helps to expand and consolidate mathematical concepts and using maths in a purposeful way in real contexts helps the children to realise that mathematics is important in the real world.

Assessment and monitoring of maths

Teachers use a range of assessments to inform their judgements on pupils’ learning: formative assessments (used within every lesson which helps teachers identify gaps in understanding or, alternatively, children ready for greater challenge) and summative assessments (usually used at the end of a term or unit of work to assess overall attainment against year group standards). Within lessons, teachers follow the marking policy to give feedback to pupils with verbal, in the moment feedback, often having the most impact in maths.

The headteacher and maths co-ordinator have responsibility for monitoring the quality of teaching and learning across the subject. They are supported in this role by a nominated school governor who makes regular visits to school to liaise with the maths co-ordinator and to look at the quality of teaching and learning in the subject.

Pupil attainment in maths is closely monitored by the headteacher and the maths co-ordinator who analyse data collected each term. Areas for development are identified and, where needed, interventions are put in place to support pupil progress.


Contact the School

Cartmel Primary School

Aynsome Road,
LA11 6PR

Main Contact: Mrs Rachel Battersby Headteacher

Tel: 015395 36262

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