Our News items
Headteacher update - Friday 21st April 2023, by Mrs Battersby
Headteacher update - Friday 31st March, by Mrs Battersby
Headteacher update, 17th March 2023, by Mrs Battersby
February Newsletter 2023, by Mrs Battersby
Headteacher December update, by Mrs Battersby
Headteacher Friday Update 17th June 2022, by Mrs Battersby
Fairtrade school uniform, by Mrs Wilson
Headteacher Friday Update 21st May 2021, by Mrs Battersby
Headteacher Friday Update 14th May 2021, by Mrs Battersby
On-line science lesson from St Bees school, by Mrs Wilson
LFT testing letter for parents and carers, by Mrs Wilson
NHS - Back to school guides, by Mrs Wilson
Return to school on 8 March from CCC, by Mrs Wilson
Update letter 2nd March 2021, by Mrs Battersby
Safeguarding children's mental health, by Mrs Wilson
Food boxes, by Mrs Wilson
Final Nasal Flu Vaccination Catch-up, by Mrs Wilson
St Bees School - Cumbria award - 50% discount on fees., by Mrs Wilson
Update letter 15th January 2021, by Mrs Battersby
Family Lockdown Learning, by Mrs Wilson
Update letter 5th January 2021, by Mrs Battersby
First Day of Home Learning, by Mrs Walker
Santa's Grotto, by Mrs Wilson
Nasal Flu Vaccination Catch-up, by Mrs Wilson
Action for children parent support line, by Mrs Wilson